I've been such a neglectful blogger, friend, chatterer... the works! But I've been a tad busy with MaDscraps so I'm hoping you excuse me! I haven't meant to be but while I'm trying to find my groove with the way the business works, and then getting it to work for me in my own way takes some concentration. But I think I'm there. Yayyy!!
It's certainly been fun, had it's challenges with computers dying... and then dying again... maybe it thinks it's a cat and has 7 more lives left to go? But we have a new super dooper fast computer being made for me so that will be a relief, for now I have Kellan's... poor kid is suffering Sims Pets withdrawal! Do him some good though.
I introduced my mother to the forum world this morning... this is going to be interesting! But her first comment after posting was... this is great, I could get addicted! Like daughter like mother! LOL!
Getting together with the girls on the 4th... am really looking forward to it because I'm so out of touch with them and feel so bad for it... and we're supposed to scrap as well! I've not scrapped since forever and it will be nice to see if I still can! Weird not having a deadline though... probably the reason I haven't scrapped!! Nahhh... being busy I think is the reason for that one!!
I am soooo hanging for the retreat in Augusta in March... I'll get a whole weekend off! I know we're going to have ourselves as much {or more} of a ball as we had last year!
And then it's full steam ahead for the MaDscraps one in Adelaide in May which will be a more casual affair being the first Lea & I have organised, and me being on the other side of Australia! But I am sooo looking forward to meeting everyone from MaDscraps who are coming from as far as North QLD to join in. I don't think we'll get a lot of scrapping done though... especially with the girls talking of taking the minibus into Adelaide at night to get shots of the Cathedral whilst they're decked out in PJ's!!