These ones are from the SnC Cyber Crop over the weekend.
Sharryn's Challenge... almost had me stumped until I remembered this pic. We had to scrap a memorial, building, monument, architecture... something like that of which wasn't one of the usual touristy shots.
This is Chelle's Progressive Challenge... love these ones, they're always such fun!!
And this is another sketch challenge... the circle is clear acetate, am having fun with this atm!! These are the gorgeous flowers Lisa and her family gave me because I've been a bit stretched emotionally lately... work wise... it was so thoughtful {especially as well because she took the time to find out my fave flowers}!!
So I think I have scrapped every photo I have... and I have Friday night crop at Ellenbrook and Scrappi Dais on Sunday... lol... typical!! But I'll find something... even if I have to beg and borrow the photos from Jac again!!
The last 2 weekends {well this one included} I've been to the Friday Night Crop at the Scrapbook Shop and 3 Cyber Crops... finally I can say... thank god I've done some scrapping!! I'll just do a quick run-down of them... don't want to bore you all too much!!
ScrapWitch CC - No Layers: This is Jac's son Andy... isn't he just gorgeous... and yes, his eyes are stunning IRL!!
Dee's Sketch Challenge at Scrap'n'Crazy:
Karen's Zoom in Challenge @ Scrapping Around:
Humpy's Challenge @ Scrapping Around... don't ask, just laugh:
ScrapWitch Challenge: 4's {yeah, don't think I could have put less on a page!!}
Scrapped @ TSS Crop Night: Jac's Andy again... love this kid!!
Monique's Sketch Challenge @ Scrapping Around: {like my bee pics... I was brave coz I'm allergic big time}!!
Chelle's 6x12 Challenge @ Scrap'n'Crazy:
Karen's Same Supplies, Limited Colour Challenge @ S'nC: I've used L'il Davis!!
Oh... this is my Challenge I did for Monique @ Scrapping Around... am this months Guest DT there! It was a Progressive Challenge... think a few of the girls are still in recovery from it!! LOL!!
Ummm just finished this one tonight... it's Chelle's Sketch Challenge @ S'n'C
So that's my last 9 days worth of work... am pleased!!
I'll rabble with more goings on soon... we've had quite a week in the Hoolahan household, involving feral cats and scares of plastic surgery!!
Silly me forgot to add the images of the LO's I did 2 weekends ago!!
Here's Lily... why I went for purple is beyond me, not a 'usual' colour for me to work with... but I liked it this time! Don't ya just LOVE those Basic Grey Wilma Alphas... well I do anyways!!
And here's that double I've been wanting to do for weeks and finally managed... the dreaded trek back up the hill at Lesmurdie Falls, hard on the legs but so worth the views! It's even got journaling! Simple as... but the photos don't need much fuss in my opinion.
So that's them... I've got 2 more WIP happening and did another 3 as a Guest DT for another scrap shop, Scrapping Around.
OK... so what else have I done... went to a Stampin Up party at Kim's last week. Was determined it wouldn't be my thing... stamping is too messy and fiddly... OMG how wrong was I!! So yeah... now I think I might be hooked, we'll see what happens when I get my stuff I ordered!
I seriously have to get my LO's into albums... I have them scattered all over the office... neat piles of course, but still!
Have had a marvellous few weeks really... just vegging with the family, pottering around the house, enjoying the work Darren has done in the garden {we found one under all the weeds!!} LOL! I've found a good balance between my home, work {well today anyway}, shop work and social life... it's all going "A OK". Haven't had much time for scrapping, but my fortnightly jaunts to the Scrapbook Shop will help that along, ties the social in with the creativity time. Melancholy keeps knocking at the door from time to time but that is more simply being worn out from the day job I'm sure, at least I've learnt the signs... and whenever they show I just go get a hug from whichever of my boys is closest, makes everything all better!
OK... so that's all from me! Will update when I have something else to update with... as one does!!