I went to ScrapIT on the weekend, a fundraiser for the McCusker Foundation {Alzeimers Research}... it was obvious that the committee behind it worked so well and so hard to make it a perfect day, they are to be commended for all they've achieved and raised over $36000 amazing job!!! The Sheraton however need a kick up the proverbial! They stuffed up big time and really let the committee and all the scrappers down; although beautiful, they changed the seating plan the night before so the ScrapIT committee had no where to go on that, they gave us no room to scrap {we were supposed to get a metre square, ended up with a dinner place setting space} let alone put totes etc behind us, some of the lunch was actually inedible, as in still raw in the middle and then there wasn't enough dessert to go around... not that I needed any, but really... you'd think they'd be a bit more switched on with 240 or more women at a function!! But venue stuff ups aside... it was fabulous day and the scrapIT committee should be proud of themselves!
The great part was scrapping with friends. Well once I got to sit with them... I was one of the ones bumped off the table when they changed the seating... and then it turned out it was

I scrapped 7 8x8 LO's, although one was a 4 page spread so should really be counted as one only. So I got all the Boxx Retreat Pics done, well except for the KimBear ones, she needs her own little section!! Maria was there {owner of the Boxx} so I had to show her for a laugh, especially the pics when she'd discovered the emergency packs!! 1 isn't on here yet, I scraplifted one of Karen's DT LO's so I can't show it yet... she's seen it though and fell off her chair laughing, got the giggles on something chronic... trust me when I say I cannot do freestyle!!

And these are the rest of the Pink Night pics... so more pink flowers and bling... ahhhh heaven!! Click on them and you can see the LO's bigger.

So... that was my weekend!
Kel had pocket money burning a hole in his wallet so he and I went shopping on Saturday, which was really fun! He's at that age now where taking him shopping is a fun thing and not a chore... I'm loving him at this age... well love him no matter what but you know what I mean! He's old enough to ask for a little independence and be trusted with some, but not quite old enough yet to cop a huge attitude and he still gives me hugs... most times!! He and Dags are getting along better than ever, like best mates... we have quite a harmonious little household at the moment!
Kel's 11 and a half right, today he did homework... the FIRST time since starting school he's EVER had homework! The school has a no homework policy, what a crock! So he and I did that tonight... well he did it, I didn't have to help him at all... in fact he taught me some things! But the special thing about this little event... he wanted to do it with mummy, he waited until I got home from work to do it with him... awwwww, don't ya just love little moments like that, it's those little things that make everything so worthwhile!