Have had myself a busy week. Our friend Julie and god-daughter Courtney came up from Esperance for a few days, creating glorious turmoil in their wake! We have known Julie for 12 years and she is part of us, part of our family... when they are here our lives just feel that little more complete. Sounds weird but it's true!
They left this morning and I have lots of fun photos... did this LO today of the Kookaburra's at one of our favourite picnic spots. Was sooo cold in the wind but we got a table that was sheltered from the brunt of the wind and had a wonderful 3 hours relaxing!!

So the house feels a little empty... Kellan is exhausted but missing Courtney already... Darren is at a loss as he always is when they leave... I'm glad to have had time to chat with other friends, but miss the comfortable friendship Julie and I have together. Well... there's always Christmas Break!!
Scrapped this one as well today... simple but I like it! Was for one of Jill's Cyber Crop Challenge's @ ScrapWitch, everything had to be in 3's. Kel spends hours re-designing his Bionicles so I had to take some pics of his latest inventions, he was pretty happy about that so set them up in the long grass for 'battle action shots"! The title {white words} were cut with my new Silhouette Craft Cutter... what a COOL toy to have!!

Probably just as well I didn't go hell for leather scrapping today... we have the Autism Crop next weekend and I need to conserve they photos I do have!! I have 2 circle journals to get started on and a gift to make... so at least I have projects to start. And the BEST thing {well aside from the crop itself} is that it's on a Saturday... which means I'll have Sunday to use up the rest of the mojo I find while at the crop!!

Home front... we're all good. I mean yeah, we're all good... great stuff hey! Hopefully Darren will be right to look for some school hours part-time work soon, or a couple of nights somewhere... the extra $ will be great but part-time will still have him at home for Kellan... and me, it's made all our lives so much easier having someone home and I don't want Darren going back downhill.
So that's about it... a lot a waffle on about not much! Got an exciting few months of ahead of me I think... can feel it in the bones... good things are going to happen!!
Until I rabble on again... take care of you!!