Saturday, 2 June 2007

Finally finding something that resembles my scrap mojo! This LO is based on a Sketch Challenge that Jill from ScrapWitch set us. I'm trying to let loose and do some freestylin'... not working! This is about as close as I think I can go! But it's growing on me... blue isn't a colour I use a lot either, so had to throw some red in there!!

This I had fun doing... spent hours trying to get it right and then it just fell into place while I was on the phone with a friend, probably because I wasn't thinking and analysing, was just 'doing'! This one is about Jacqui's little boy Jack and the 2 Red Truck conversations he and I had all weekend! He's such a cutey and it was great fun to be lost in a 2yo's world again. It's only a 8x8 double because I thought that would be fun to do for my Melbourne photos.

Scenic Route and I are getting along quite fine now, I love it's simple designs and bold colours... and I finally got my hands on this scalloped edged Creative Imaginations paper. At $3.95 a sheet I now know why everyone uses bits of it instead of the whole sheet... but isn't it wonderful!!


  1. told you scenic route paper was great!!!! lovely LO's Mistra - freestyling suits you

  2. hi mistra, gail here, love your latest pics and layouts.... the cat in the box and asking if my bottom looks big in the box... what a crack up....

    hope you have a great weekend, hugs from Gail aka teachingmum

  3. Love that freestyling one Mistra - you should do blue more often!! Loving both of these.

  4. Very nice Lo's Mistra!
    You use blue well!
    Love the red ribbon! :-} lol
    Can't believe how much that paper is but it looks soo good!

  5. Ohhhh... I like the freestyle!!! The blue looks so fresh with white.

    The double layout looks fabulous. Red and black!! A fav of mine.

  6. Fabulous layout Mistra, the blue is gorgeous!
