Soooo... what have I been up to hey? Well I have to admit, being busy has been one of them... being sick is another... being not scrapping much is another again... but I have done something {other than go to work, be a housewife and a mum and put up with a stupid chest cold}...
1st June {tomorrow/today, depending on what time I finish this post!!} is the official launch date of the newly re-vamped Aussie Scrapbooking, and somehow I've been asked to be one of their regular contributors!! I'm still a little in awe of what I'm doing there... but I am having a ball doing it! LOL!! So overwhelmed as I have been, I'm ever so rapt to have been asked... and am enjoying this new path of my scrapping journey!
Aussie Scrapbooking represents Jill Costello & Gabbie Coburn's "combined vision for a fun, friendly scrapbooking community and one-stop, independent resource for all the latest news and information from the Aussie scrapbooking scene". So far I think it's been great, the articles published have really got my mind thinking and inspiration flowing!! There are LO hints and tips, product reviews, industry news, store news {but of course just click the MaDscraps stuff... good shop that one, not that I'm biased or anything... lol}, blog news... all sorts of stuff!! How the girls find all this 'stuff' out is beyond me... but we each have our different talents in life don't we!!
Here's the LO I did for my intro post... not that the LO says anything much about me... but it surely represents my fave scrapping style!!
Bit of old stuff, bit of new stuff... lots of layers and the ever present flowers, bling and flourishes!! And background papers embossed with my new fave friend... Mr Bug {aka ProvoCraft Cuttlebug}... I so love my Bug!!
Anyway... I've not been very 'public' this week, just enjoying some 'empty' time if that makes any sense... just sitting vegging with Kel and Darren watching movies... not scrapping, not chatting, not blog hopping or forum surfing... but I have enjoyed my time out!!
Today I have been cooking and baking for tomorrow... Lisa, Karen and Kim {maybe Kim anyways} are coming over, so I've made a HUGE pot of Goulash... perfect for a rainy wintery day, even got hold of some proper smoked paprika for it... and baked a special... will photograph the special tomorrow and share as I have one more thing to add to it, but can't do that tonight...
No idea if my scrap mojo will return in time for scrapping tomorrow... but I do have some ATC's to work on so will play with them. Am going over to Chrissie's house when I get back from Brisbane so she and Jules can teach me some mixed media bits... have to say I'm a tad lot excited about that!! I love doing the ATC's... just want to get better at them and develop my own 'thang' with them... still not too sure what to 'do' with them all though but I like having them!!
Well best be off... getting late here and I need some more sleeps, had a nanna nap this arvo but am getting weary again now!
Don't forget to pop on over to Aussie Scrapbooking and check it {and me} out!!
1st June {tomorrow/today, depending on what time I finish this post!!} is the official launch date of the newly re-vamped Aussie Scrapbooking, and somehow I've been asked to be one of their regular contributors!! I'm still a little in awe of what I'm doing there... but I am having a ball doing it! LOL!! So overwhelmed as I have been, I'm ever so rapt to have been asked... and am enjoying this new path of my scrapping journey!
Aussie Scrapbooking represents Jill Costello & Gabbie Coburn's "combined vision for a fun, friendly scrapbooking community and one-stop, independent resource for all the latest news and information from the Aussie scrapbooking scene". So far I think it's been great, the articles published have really got my mind thinking and inspiration flowing!! There are LO hints and tips, product reviews, industry news, store news {but of course just click the MaDscraps stuff... good shop that one, not that I'm biased or anything... lol}, blog news... all sorts of stuff!! How the girls find all this 'stuff' out is beyond me... but we each have our different talents in life don't we!!
Here's the LO I did for my intro post... not that the LO says anything much about me... but it surely represents my fave scrapping style!!

Anyway... I've not been very 'public' this week, just enjoying some 'empty' time if that makes any sense... just sitting vegging with Kel and Darren watching movies... not scrapping, not chatting, not blog hopping or forum surfing... but I have enjoyed my time out!!
Today I have been cooking and baking for tomorrow... Lisa, Karen and Kim {maybe Kim anyways} are coming over, so I've made a HUGE pot of Goulash... perfect for a rainy wintery day, even got hold of some proper smoked paprika for it... and baked a special... will photograph the special tomorrow and share as I have one more thing to add to it, but can't do that tonight...
No idea if my scrap mojo will return in time for scrapping tomorrow... but I do have some ATC's to work on so will play with them. Am going over to Chrissie's house when I get back from Brisbane so she and Jules can teach me some mixed media bits... have to say I'm a tad lot excited about that!! I love doing the ATC's... just want to get better at them and develop my own 'thang' with them... still not too sure what to 'do' with them all though but I like having them!!
Well best be off... getting late here and I need some more sleeps, had a nanna nap this arvo but am getting weary again now!
Don't forget to pop on over to Aussie Scrapbooking and check it {and me} out!!