Some more LO sharing... went to Tomorrow's Memories again on Friday night for their moonlight crop, had such a lovely time as always... and I won another prize, talk about lucky, I don't usually win things but I've done well lately at TM's. I bought a FAB headband that Evana made, I just need to alter it a little bit because I have a fat head!
Sadly mojo wandered away for the night,... we're having a few dramas with Kel and they all clicked into place on Friday. He is having a rough time, we're going to see if we can get him a referral for some counselling. He's been distraught to the point of sobbing about going to school {and other places}, because he thinks something bad is going to happen. Looking back over the last 6 weeks all the symptoms/excuses are showing signs of anxiety of some form and my heart is breaking that I can't just put a bandaid on it and fix it. So I'm not sure if he's even going to be able to finish the year, which is so sad... but I'd rather not force the issue if there is a problem. There's no bullying happening at school that the teacher is aware of and Kel says there isn't... so maybe him talking to someone that isn't mum or dad might help him. But I am glad now that I've realised we have a possible 'problem' nice and early and can get some help... it's very likely all the BIG changes happening soon that have triggered it; becoming a teenager, going to high school... all the unknown things etc. Hopefully if we are lucky he can start high school all afresh with some management procedures in place.
But we've all had a calm, if not extremely hot weekend {aircon died last weekend... great, talk about timing} and he's talking about going to school tomorrow. So I'll get him up in the morning, and if he gets there, then great... if not we'll try again Tuesday.
I scrapped my 3 half finished layouts from Friday night in the cool part of Saturday morning, and then Saturday evening started on next weeks DT project, which I LOVE... I'm so pleased with how it turned out.

This next one was for my Step by Step at Home and Scrapped, the girls have created some FAB layouts... I always get such a kick out of seeing what they create. I'll load the steps for this to my MaDscrapping Blog during the week.

So hopefully we have a less eventful week, I wish I could wave a magic wand for Kel and get rid of his anxiety... the last week of school is always such a treasure and I hate the thought that he could be missing such a wonderful time. But time will help...
I've put new clothes on the blog for Christmas... to try and get my Christmas Spirit happening. I'm really struggling this year, not only is there next to no money, but there's next to no family tradition as well because of Darren's brother, and that's the part that is really getting to me. We'll go see his mum & dad on Christmas Day though... but Christmas Eve is a non-event. But I'll try and do something special for us, have some nice treats for Christmas Eve dinner and just the 3 of us watch Christmas movies etc. And my mum is fussing now for Christmas Day. We're going to the river for a swim first, then back to her house for a late lunch/early dinner, of which the simple fare has ended up a full on deal... but that's mum, I love her passion for Christmas, she has always made it such a special day for us!
It's been a while since I've had a rabble on here... likely because nothing great is happening with our family life, other than we are family. We're all worn out, the 3 of us... we need to have a HUGE declutter and start afresh, it's been a rough year and it's showing around the edges; guess it's quite the same for a lot of us... I know that my close friends have been through the wringer this year but we keep on keeping on... because we have to! I'm hoping 2010 is a much better year for us all.
Until next time, take care of you.