Sunday, 21 March 2010

Prima'licious... designs for 3AS

Yumola... this month I'm only about 2 weeks behind, ooops! But I am up to date now with my DT projects!

I love LOVE love these Prima Tropics Collection papers, even though the colours aren't quite in my comfort zone, the patterns and the worn look is... and I had a ball working with them!

Take care of you.


  1. OH my efin goodness ...sorry but these works are to ABSOLUTELY die for! Is that twiddybitz in the middle with the red and white and gold and picket fence etc...I have never seen it look so good!!!! sigh ...why couldnt they be MINE!!!GRRR! you clever clever gal!!!Hope they are at 3AS so I can see ingreidients these are more words...mindblown!

  2. LOL.. thanks for the enthusiasm Marcy! Yeah that's a TBZ Lantern Post, isn't it delicious! Tina gave me the little picket fence, helped tie it all together. Was trying to work out how to make a vintage looking element fit in with such bright patterns, but we got there in the end. I'm pretty happy with the Canvas... my 1st reverse one!

  3. Oh and yep, they are at 3AS with all the ingredients included!

  4. My My My Mistra, not only have you been busy, they are "effin" GORGEOUS. Holy smokes girlfriend, just too pretty for words. Love 'em all.
