They're just the layouts... no ramblings... I'll save the ramble for here! Hehehe!!
Sunday, 30 July 2006
Got bored...
They're just the layouts... no ramblings... I'll save the ramble for here! Hehehe!!
Saturday, 29 July 2006
August EDM - Snapshots/SEI Iron-Ons
Getting my LO to balance was the hard part though... I was insistent on using this velvet SEI paper I've had since for ever... and it was hard. Then I tried some graphic doodling, which looked very sad to say the least... so I stitched over them and added rub-ons and inked. Finally I was happy with it!!

Isn't it funny how some layouts are hard hard work... and others just flow together so easily!!
I love the snap-shots theme for this month... if you're having trouble on thinking where to start think of it as a single moment in time, something that might usually go unrecorded. Hence my rainbow here. There is hidden journaling telling the story of this rainbow... I was driving inside it on my way home! It was a truely awesome experience and when I got home I raced in yelling to the boys to go outside right NOW!! It put me on a high for the rest of the night... so I'm pleased I got this snapshot... and thankful to Donna for saying it would be a perfect one for the EDM!! How right she was!
But it could be... a favourite thing... a bad hair day... a "kodak" moment... anything that you normally wouldn't think to photograph or scrap. An everyday moment... or a once in a lifetime experience... cool theme hey! Even if you're not doing the EDM... this is something you could challenge yourself to do... get that mojo back in the swing of things!!
Anyway... that's all from me tonight! Take care of you...
Tuesday, 25 July 2006
Another LO to share...

Weekend gone...
Friday night I went and adopted a kitten from Lisa... she couldn't keep Shadow and no-one else could take him so I sucked up to hubby and got a yes... he really is the cutest little thing, wish the other cats would get over it though! Two are starting to tolerate him, but Tiger doesn't want to know... fickle animals. Jasper is actually starting to play with him a little - so long as no-one is watching! Not that any of it fazes Shadow... he loves revving them up! So anyway... this little kitten has bought such joy into our home... thanks Lisa. Here he is sleeping in {well half in} his basket on my desk.

Saturday I went shopping, bought some new shoes... a size down!! Guess I've worked out where some of the weight vanished from! Went to Spotlight to get some tape... still none there, getting a wee bit agro over that now! They had some cheaper runner style ones that will do the job though. Got some things for the kitten as well... even got groceries. Oh and an old fashioned style mop and squeegie bucket thing that I've been going to get for a year now! Best thing in the world... our tiles are shining again!
Sunday I went scrapping with the girls, well 4 of us, myself, Chelle, Lisa & Karen. Was a great day as always and I found some mojo... finished 2 more EDM Layouts for the Family theme and one of Kel and Shadow, which is a simple one but I love the colours and the papers.

These are the 2 other EDM Layouts... I am finally starting to get with the flow of working in 9x9, just have trouble trying to fit everything on there!!

This is obviously us! Old photo... but a favourite so I am pleased to have this one in our Everyday Moments Album.

OK... gotta go, work beckons! Take care of you...
Friday, 21 July 2006
Friday is...

Thursday, 20 July 2006
Brrrr.... it's cold!!
Diet is going well... all still on track and burning away that fat of mine, will be slower now after the first week. I think 4.5kg a week would be a tad unhealthy! If I could manage 1.5 or 2 kg for a few weeks and then down to 1kg... then I'll be happy!
No more EDM LO's yet... at least 2 to do and the next FK is coming out soon! Aaaarrggh! That's ok, I have Scrappi Dais on the weekend so can work on them there... if I get photos on Saturday. My poor family... the things I make them do all for my hobby!!
Tuesday, 18 July 2006
August Angel Sneaks...

1st EDM Layout...

Sunday, 16 July 2006
Oh... the diet blog..
Been quiet...
... but "it's all good" as sweet Karis at work always says!
Have been scrapping... phew... still got the mojo! have finished 3 LO's for
We went to see Superman tonight... I wasn't overly fussed but
I've had a headache all day, which is now unusual, don't usually get them on this diet... but then I didn't drink all my water yesterday and missed a meal... and snacks... could be it! Hopefully it's gone tomorrow because today I drank all my water and more... and ate all my meals... well no snacks though... simply not hungry when scrapping now... OMG... can't beleive I said that!! We had a delish lamb roast for dinner tonight and I spoilt myself with roast pumpkim... yummy!
Oh oh... that reminds me... last night I had the weirdest dream... I dreamt of eating chocolate. How sad!! I woke up and thought I could smell it... and felt so guilty for ruining my diet, which of course I hadn't because it was dreaming chocolate and I don't think that's fattening... is it?
Monday, 10 July 2006
It's back!!
Now to see if I can fluke some more, although they'll need specific photos that are yet to be taken!
I had to treat Kel's hair AGAIN last night... more crawlies and he can't go to daycare with them... an hour of treating and combing and I think the buggers are gone 'again'. Also chopped his fringe as it was down to his nose... should see him this morning... it's really quite a tragedy!! Not that he cares... he who wants a mohawk {gulp} can't be that fussed with this thing called 'style'. So we've done a deal... if he can increase his grades and get into no trouble at school for the next 2 terms, then he can have a mohawk, but a short one and not bald at the sides! Darren nearly died... but Kel wants it, and with 6 weeks off school for the christmas holidays... by the time he goes back to school it's grown back! If that makes him try harder in school then I don't care... it's only hair! Thank god! Going to make for some 'interesting' Christmas photos!
Cut a fringe into my hair as well... which looks decidedly better than Kellan's. I think I need to get a proper cut though for once... get some layers in the back. Cutting the fringe bought back all the curl again and I like it, been awhile since I had a fringe...
Sunday, 9 July 2006
Photo Shoot

Saturday, 8 July 2006
OK... who stole it...?
I know it will come back... won't it... yeah... has too!! The papers are so beautiful... and the girls have done such great work... for once I am feeling quite 'lacking' in talent!! Lynn's been great... she says - Mistra, just start cutting, it's only paper!
Well hopefully I will feel more myself tomorrow, get outside, takes some pics.. and start scrapping!! Positive thinking does wonders... so I keep saying... still doesn't win the lotto does it though!! Hehehe!!
Meanwhile I've been shopping and I think I have every product ever made by Heidi Swapp! OK... not quite, but I have all that I could want, now to find the mojo and use them. Lynn got in the mini masks... they're so cute... and the rubons are fab, and silhouettes... love em all!!
Friday, 7 July 2006
A side blog...
It's going to be my weight loss obsession blog... so I don't bore us all to tears here! I have to get obsessed to keep myself on track... and I doubt it's going to be very entertaining, but it's there if you want to read it!
Thursday, 6 July 2006
Shopping tonight....
I have to get back on my diet... I feel crap, my body hates all the carbs I eat, it's time.
Yesterday I saw a girl who lost a heap of weight doing pretty much the same thing I do... cut out the carbs... stick to low GI. She did that well over a year ago and she has stuck to it and looks awesome. I'm so rapt for her as she is literally glowing with health... I want to look & feel like that!
So tonight I shop... need scales as well as the correct foods... tonight I binge {hehehe}... tomorrow is the start of the rest of my life! I might start a separate blog to document it... that alone might help me keep with it.
Goodbye sweet nothings... your days are done. However... if I'm a good girl I can go to Darrell Lea and get sugar free chocolate! Life is not over!!
Wednesday, 5 July 2006
Thought I'd better...
Nothing to report really. How sad... too bad...
Went and saw "Dusty" at Burswood with my work {a client night thing}... was great! Even knowing nothing about her except her name didn't hold back the enjoyment factor... although SOMEONE could of at the least told me she died a few years ago... I was sobbing, amongst clients, no tissues... with a head cold... can you imagine... perhaps best not to try. Lets just say my shirt really needs a good wash!! I was pathetic... and I couldn't stop, each time I managed to compose myself something else sad or touching would happen!!
What else... not much. Had coffee and cake with Chelle on Sunday when I went to collect something, that was really lovely... a nice way to spend a few hours... thanks Chelle! Told hubby I'd be gone just over an hour... good thing he knows me well!!
Other than that I just feel like I'm been pulled this way and that... have been home late 4 times in the last 7 days and I really hate that, my poor family have hardly seen me... well that's how it feels anyway. Although when I break everything down, things aren't that hectic... and most things I've had to do are pleasant. Guess we all feel that way now and again. Time for some time-out I think!!
Oh... Karen... Balfours Frogs. When I was little... and right up until we moved here to WA, whenever we went home to Adelaide mum or one of my grandma's would take us to Balfours {cake shop} and buy us a "Frog"... its just a cake, with green fondant icing and made to look like a frog! Nothing all that exciting... unless of course you're me!! A childhood memory and tradition... 'cept this time I have a camera... and I scrap!! I can't wait to go to Adelaide... next month!! Woohoo!!
That's it for me... will blog again when I'm a little more conscious... early night I think {says me at 9:45pm}!!